One methodology to incorporate contact tracing. Is there a way to start contact tracing as service ? Can Privacy be secured ?
Contact Tracing is vital in understanding the COVID-19 Transmission. There are contact tracing apps getting published either by entities or government.
Graph node relationship model with underlying location which can be masked is an approach towards building a resilient model.
But again the question is - Who can verify ? Are there any standards ? Can a standard be followed ?
Ramesh Raskar from MIT Media Labs created MIT SafePath which has been one of the most successful point of contact tracing.
Indian Government built Aarogya Setu which is focused on contact tracing and is also required for travel between cities , states within India.
We need an open sourced standard for Contact Tracing. I invite fellow-contributors to help build a Open sourced project which can be used for standards when it comes to Contact Tracing.