As part of the circular economy through our worldwide cities network to build back opportunities for circular jobs - node jobs / connector
- jobloss - opportunties in repair upcycling - connecting - human and digitally - Node Jobs - or talent and skill development for upscaling used materials - for reuse prep - urban mining etc - supply chain disruption and lack of visiblity of digital platforms for sharing - local and hyperlocal opportunities to alter material flows in supply chains or localized atmoized networks -
we engage industry communities and government - to "close the loop" in product & process design -
Kai Costantini Aug 14, 2020 12:17
| Contribution contributor node jobs are connector jobs desperately needed to move forward around our global issues - the pandemic highlighted these - the conomic fallout makes this evident - How might we build back job opportunities in the spaces between - with digital networks - to foster resue - recycling - refurbishing etc.? - how can we foster or continue to do this despite the social distancing etc? - |
Kai Costantini Aug 14, 2020 01:43
| Contribution contributor node jobs are connector jobs desperately needed to move forward around our global issues - the pandemic highlighted these - the conomic fallout makes this evident - How might we build back job opportunities in the spaces between - with digital networks - to foster resue - recycling - refurbishing etc.? - how can we foster or continue to do this despite the social distancing etc? - |