Rather than try to detect pandemics. --Better to stop them before they spread away from the initial city. Airplane ventilation was cause.
Disease has always been transmitted by airplane cabin air to a high level. The air conditioning and filter system on airplanes has not even attempted to keep one sick passenger from infecting others on the flight. Detecting disease on airplanes is problematic because of the time delay in test results and because there are so many different diseases to test for. Rather than detect pandemic spreaders it would be more effective to not grow more pathogens in everyone's lungs on long contact flights. The cabin air for each passenger must be made fully private for each seat. This change in the aircraft AC system will be drastic but certainly cheaper than an economic shutdown we have now. If airplanes did not create more sick people and did not move the virus from continent to continent the world would not be in the mess we are in. Viruses need to be isolated, quarantined and eliminated not endured as they are today. Airplanes need to have one intake air inlet for each person on the plane. Those inlets need to stay fully separate all the way through the cabin and out the fresh air exhaust. The filter is not really that essential but certainly easy to accomplish once it is decided that passenger safety overrides convention and tradition. It is amazing how overregulated airplanes are and how that has stagnated the design and construction of airplanes in the air today. One example is the safety speech you get instructing you for the millionth time how to operate a 1950s style seat belt that will snap your lower spine in the event of an actual crash. One shared HEPA must be replaced with a complete new cabin air system that includes heat pump and refrigeration. Once air is no longer common lung diseases can stop being passed on a greater than 1 to 1 ratio per flight. Seating of passengers needs to be isolated and done in the terminal as a module. Once the seating is done the entire cabin module can be moved into the plane shell. This will save fuel allowing the plane shells to move in and out much faster. Boarding a plane is slow and ungraceful. There is no justification for loading hundreds of passengers one at a time through one door all breathing each other's pathogens. Had airplanes been upgraded to terminal loading as a module and cabin air fully separated from each other's air we would not be talking about COVID-19 pandemic. It would have stayed in the starting city or at least been able to stay on one continent.
Who will take these actions?
Each major airline and Boeing. The regulators need to change the way they operate to allow this disease to be suppressed quickly. The airlines have lots billions over not having safe air to breathe. Airport terminals will need to reconfigure to allow passengers to load into a portable module that is then loaded by machine into the plane shell.
What are the projected costs?
Cheaper than shutting down the airlines or paying $73,300 per patient in intensive care on average.
Nine months from the date it is decided to solve air plane disease transmission like TB and COVID-19.
About the author(s)
Jerry Roane is CEO of Roane Inventions Incorporated and CEO of TriTrack Motors. He has 19 patents and cannot afford to pay maintenance on any more. BSEE by education. Inventor at heart. Inventions in a wide variety of fields from semiconductors to medical devices to high speed guideway dual mode electric vehicles. Built a few factories for bleeding edge technology like the smart card, Stakpak, continuously variable transmission, thin heart pacemaker, teenaged driving monitor, dental pain avoidance device and others.